Scott May

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My friend, the eminent and very twisted comic Len Austrevich asked me to compose a signature theme for a new character he invented. I submitted a few ideas which Len dismissed as crap. As a last ditch effort, I played a demo of an instrumental piece I was working on, and the rest is history. "Earl's Music" as played by Kev is that demo. "Earl Full

My friend, the eminent and very twisted comic Len Austrevich asked me to compose a signature theme for a new character he invented. I submitted a few ideas which Len dismissed as crap. As a last ditch effort, I played a demo of an instrumental piece I was working on, and the rest is history. "Earl's Music" as played by Kev is that demo. "Earl Full Blown" is the piece I had in mind, and "Earl On Tour" is a further variation on the tune. Is it wrong?

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